capella Media Producer | Windows capella Media Producer imports MusicXML, capella, MIDI, CapXML | Capella | Windows Capella imports MusicXML, capella, MIDI, CapXML | capella-scan | Windows | Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing. | Mac OS 8.6, Mac OS 9.x, Mac OS X, Windows Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing. imports msf, MusicXML, RMTF, MIDI, abc, CreativeMusicFile, FinaleFormat, ETF, RhapsodyFormat, EncoreFormat, Noteworthy, GuitarProFormat, TablEditFormat | PDFtoMusic Pro music scanner | Windows, Mac OS X PDFtoMusic Pro music scanner imports PDF | SmartScore Professional Edition - Precision music scanning & world-class scoring. | Windows, Mac OS X SmartScore Professional Edition - Precision music scanning & world-class scoring. imports ExtendedNotationFormat | SmartScore Songbook Edition - Limit: 3 staves | Windows, Mac OS X 10.4 SmartScore Songbook Edition - Limit: 3 staves imports ExtendedNotationFormat | SmartScore Piano Edition - Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion. | Windows, Mac OS X 10.4 SmartScore Piano Edition - Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion. imports ExtendedNotationFormat | SmartScore Guitar Edition - Limits: 1 staff / No text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion. | Windows, Mac OS X 10.4 SmartScore Guitar Edition - Limits: 1 staff / No text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion. imports ExtendedNotationFormat | PhotoScore Ultimate | Windows, MacOS X PhotoScore Ultimate imports PhotoScoreFormat | AudioScore - music to score and music notation | Windows AudioScore - music to score and music notation imports PhotoScoreFormat | Score Perfect Education | Windows Score Perfect Education imports ScorePerfectFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | Score Perfect Professional | Windows Score Perfect Professional imports ScorePerfectFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | Score Perfect Standard | Windows Score Perfect Standard imports ScorePerfectFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | PriMus - Music notation program | Windows PriMus - Music notation program imports ScorePerfectFormat, PriMusFormat, MusicXML, MIDI, capella | PriMus Classic - Music notation program | Windows PriMus Classic - Music notation program imports ScorePerfectFormat, PriMusFormat, MusicXML, MIDI, capella | Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin | Windows/Finale, Mac OS X/Java/Finale Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin imports MusicXML | Finale music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher Finale music notation program imports SCORE, ETF, FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale Allegro music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or higher Finale Allegro music notation program imports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale PrintMusic music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher Finale PrintMusic music notation program imports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale Songwriter music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or higher Finale Songwriter music notation program imports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale NotePad music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher Finale NotePad music notation program imports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin | Windows/ManuScript, Macintosh/ManuScript Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin imports MusicXML | Notation Composer - music notation software | Windows Notation Composer - music notation software imports MIDI | Progression - Music Software for Guitar | Windows, Mac OS X Progression - Music Software for Guitar imports NotionFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | Notion - Music Notation Software | Mac OS X, Windows, Windows, Mac OS X Notion - Music Notation Software imports NotionFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | visiv SharpEye Music Reader | Windows, RISC OS visiv SharpEye Music Reader imports Liszt | Lime Music Notation Software | Windows, Mac OS 7 through 9.x, Mac OS X Lime Music Notation Software imports MusicXML, Tilia, NIFF, MIDI | Rosegarden - audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor | Linux Rosegarden - audio and MIDI sequencer, score editor imports MIDI | Muscript - language for typesetting music | Perl Muscript - language for typesetting music imports Muscript | NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux | C++, Linux NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux imports MusicXML, NoteEdit, MIDI | KGuitar | Posix, QT, KDE, TSE, Linux 2.2, Linux 2.4, FreeBSD 4.4 / STABLE, Solaris (gcc) KGuitar imports MusicXML, MIDI, GuitarProFormat, KGuitarFormat | Django tablature editor and composer | Windows Django tablature editor and composer imports abc | MuseScore | Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, C++ MuseScore imports MuseScore, MusicXML, MIDI, capella, Musedata, Bagpipe-Music-Writer, Band-In-A-Box, OvertureFormat | PowerTab Tools | Posix, C PowerTab Tools imports PowerTab | pyScore | Python, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows pyScore imports GUIDO, MusicXML, MidiXML | Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor | Mac OS X Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor imports MusicXML, GuitarProFormat, MIDI, PowerTab, TablEdit | Guitar Pro - tablature editor | Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Guitar Pro - tablature editor imports MusicXML, GuitarProFormat, MIDI, PowerTab, TablEdit | Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor | Linux Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor imports MusicXML, GuitarProFormat, MIDI, PowerTab, TablEdit | MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians | Windows MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians imports MusicXML, MIDI | MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians | Windows MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians imports MusicXML, MIDI | QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software | Windows QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software imports MusicXML, GUIDO, NIFF, MIDI, QuickScoreEliteFormat, CopyistFormat, MusicWriteFormat | GVOX Encore - music notation software | Windows, Mac OS X GVOX Encore - music notation software imports EncoreFormat, MusicXML, MasterTracksFormat, MIDI, MusicTimeFormat, RhapsodyFormat | Obtiv Octava - music notation software | Windows Obtiv Octava - music notation software imports MusicXML, MIDI | Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package | Windows Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package imports MusicXML, MIDI, CapXML, ForteFormat | JMSL - Java Music Specification Language | Java JMSL - Java Music Specification Language imports JMSLScore | MaxScore – music notation in Max/MSP | Java | hum2xml - Humdrum kern to MusicXML converter | Linux, Mac OS X hum2xml - Humdrum kern to MusicXML converter imports kern | Impro-Visor - music notation software | Java 1.5, NetBeans IDE 5.x, Polya Java Library, jMusic Java Library Impro-Visor - music notation software imports LeadsheetNotation | capella wave kit | Windows capella wave kit imports MP3, WAV, WMA, WMV | Freedots - MusicXML to Braille music notation converter | Python | TuxGuitar - A Multitrack tablature editor and player | Mac OS X, Linux, Windows | Speech Analyzer | Windows Speech Analyzer imports MusicXML, MP3, WMA | ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library | Java 5 + JAXB 2, Java 6 ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library imports MusicXML | Audiveris Music Scanner | Java 5 + JAXB 2 + JAI, Java 6 | Midinotate Composer | Windows | NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back | Java NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back imports Notelist, MusicXML | nwc2xml - converts Noteworthy Composer's file into MusicXML | Windows nwc2xml - converts Noteworthy Composer's file into MusicXML imports Noteworthy | SimpleChord | Mac OS X | CapToMusic - capella to MusicXML converter | Python CapToMusic - capella to MusicXML converter imports CapXML | GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator | Windows GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator imports MusicXML | SCOREMAKER - music scanning and notation program | Windows | TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor | Win16, Win32 TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor imports MusicXML, TablEditFormat, NIFF, RMTF | BUZZle - modular music composing and sequencing tool | Windows | Virtual Composer | MacOS 7.x-9.x, Mac OS X | The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++) | C++ library, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++) imports GUIDO, MusicXML | Vivaldi Scan - Music OCR Software | Windows | SipScore2XML - Score to MusicXML converter | Windows SipScore2XML - Score to MusicXML converter imports SCORE | nl2xml - notelist to MusicXML Converter | Sourcecode, Mac OS 9, Linux, Windows/Cygwin nl2xml - notelist to MusicXML Converter imports Notelist | pae2xml | Perl pae2xml imports pae | middle C software toolkit - optical music recognition | Windows, Java, C/C++, Visual Basic | TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion | Windows TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion imports MusicXML, NIFF, RMTF |
capella Media Producer | Windows capella Media Producer exports MusicXML, capella, MIDI, CapXML | Capella playAlong | Windows | Capella | Windows Capella exports MusicXML, capella, MIDI, CapXML | Capella 1200 | Windows Capella 1200 exports capella, MIDI, CapXML | Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing. | Mac OS 8.6, Mac OS 9.x, Mac OS X, Windows Harmony Assistant - music composition and notation editing. exports MusicXML, RMTF, MIDI, abc, CreativeMusicFile | Melody Assistant | Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Windows Melody Assistant exports RMTF, MIDI, abc, CreativeMusicFile | Myriad Music Plug-In - for web browsers | Mac OS X, Windows | Score Perfect Education | Windows Score Perfect Education exports ScorePerfectFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | Score Perfect Professional | Windows Score Perfect Professional exports ScorePerfectFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | Score Perfect Standard | Windows Score Perfect Standard exports ScorePerfectFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | PriMus - Music notation program | Windows PriMus - Music notation program exports PriMusFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | PriMus Classic - Music notation program | Windows PriMus Classic - Music notation program exports PriMusFormat, MusicXML, MIDI | Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin | Windows/Finale, Mac OS X/Java/Finale Dolet for Finale - MusicXML Plugin exports MusicXML | Finale music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher Finale music notation program exports ETF, FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale Allegro music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or higher Finale Allegro music notation program exports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale PrintMusic music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher Finale PrintMusic music notation program exports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale Songwriter music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or higher Finale Songwriter music notation program exports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale NotePad music notation program | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher Finale NotePad music notation program exports FinaleFormat, MusicXML | Finale Reader music notation reader | Windows, Macintosh OS X 10.4 or higher | Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin | Windows/ManuScript, Macintosh/ManuScript Dolet for Sibelius - MusicXML plugin exports MusicXML | Sibelius - music notation software | Windows, Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X Sibelius - music notation software exports SibeliusFormat | Sibelius Student - music notation software for students | Windows, Mac OS X Sibelius Student - music notation software for students exports SibeliusFormat | Progression - Music Software for Guitar | Windows, Mac OS X Progression - Music Software for Guitar exports NotionFormat, MusicXML | Notion - Music Notation Software | Mac OS X, Windows, Windows, Mac OS X Notion - Music Notation Software exports NotionFormat, MusicXML, WAV | Lime Music Notation Software | Windows, Mac OS 7 through 9.x, Mac OS X Lime Music Notation Software exports MusicXML, Tilia, NIFF, MIDI | NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux | C++, Linux NoteEdit - free music score editor for Linux exports abc, MusicXML, LilyPond, NoteEdit, PMX, MusiXTeX | KGuitar | Posix, QT, KDE, TSE, Linux 2.2, Linux 2.4, FreeBSD 4.4 / STABLE, Solaris (gcc) KGuitar exports MusicXML, MIDI, KGuitarFormat | Personal Composer - music notation, MIDI, sequencing | Windows Personal Composer - music notation, MIDI, sequencing exports MIDI | Xenoage MusicXML Player | Java JRE 1.5.0, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X Xenoage MusicXML Player exports MIDI | MuseScore | Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, C++ MuseScore exports MuseScore, MusicXML, MIDI, PDF, SVG, PDF, LilyPond, WAV, WAV | pyScore | Python, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows pyScore exports GUIDO, MusicXML, MIDI, MidiXML | Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor | Mac OS X Guitar Pro OS X - tablature editor exports MusicXML, GuitarProFormat, MIDI | Guitar Pro - tablature editor | Windows, Mac OS X, Linux Guitar Pro - tablature editor exports MusicXML, GuitarProFormat, MIDI | Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor | Linux Guitar Pro Linux - tablature editor exports MusicXML, GuitarProFormat, MIDI | KlavarScript - klavar notation software | Windows | musicRAIN - music sheet viewer software | Macromedia Flash 8 | MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians | Windows MagicScore Maestro - Music Notation Software for Musicians exports MusicXML, MIDI | MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians | Windows MagicScore Classic - Music Notation Software for Musicians exports MusicXML, MIDI | QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software | Windows QuickScore Elite - Music Composition and Notation Software exports MusicXML, GUIDO, QuickScoreEliteFormat, CopyistFormat, MusicWriteFormat, WAV, MP3 | Overture 4 - music notation software | Mac OS X, Windows Overture 4 - music notation software exports OvertureFormat, ScoreWriterFormat, MIDI | GVOX Encore - music notation software | Windows, Mac OS X GVOX Encore - music notation software exports EncoreFormat, MusicXML, MasterTracksFormat, MIDI, MusicTimeFormat | Obtiv Octava - music notation software | Windows Obtiv Octava - music notation software exports MusicXML, MIDI | Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package | Windows Forte - a notational, sequencing and recording software package exports MusicXML, MIDI, ForteFormat | NoteAbility Pro - a professional music notation package for the Macintosh OS-X operating system | Mac OS X NoteAbility Pro - a professional music notation package for the Macintosh OS-X operating system exports NeXTScoreFile, NoteAbilityFormat, GUIDO, MIDI | NtEd - a musical score editor for Linux | Linux NtEd - a musical score editor for Linux exports NtEdFormat, SVG | noteflight - editing scores in the web browser | Web browser | xml2hum - MusicXML to Humdrum kern converter | Web form, Linux, Mac OS X xml2hum - MusicXML to Humdrum kern converter exports kern | LilyPond - music notation program | Linux, Red Hat i386, LinuxPPC, SuSE, Shockware, Mandrake, Debian, Mac OS X, Darwin, NetBSD, Solaris, AIX, Windows LilyPond - music notation program exports SVG, NoteEdit, SongWrite | scorio - editing scores in the web browser | Web browser | Speech Analyzer | Windows Speech Analyzer exports MusicXML | ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library | Java 5 + JAXB 2, Java 6 ProxyMusic - MusicXML Java Library exports MusicXML | GLozart - piano visualization | Windows, OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) | NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back | Java NightXML - Translates MusicXML (timewise or partwise) files into Nightingale Notelist files and back exports Notelist, MusicXML | mxml2nwcc - converts MusicXML to Noteworthy | Windows mxml2nwcc - converts MusicXML to Noteworthy exports Noteworthy | THoTH - assist in the learning of improvisation and comping | Windows | GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator | Windows GOODFEEL Braille Music Translator exports MusicXML | MusicEase - music notation software | Windows | MuseBook Score - an electronic score solution which automatically turns page for you! | Windows | TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor | Win16, Win32 TablEdit - Tablatures editor and standard notation editor exports MusicXML, TablEditFormat, RMTF | The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++) | C++ library, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows The MusicXML Library (libmusicxml, C++) exports GUIDO, MusicXML | SipXML - MusicXML to Score converter | Windows SipXML - MusicXML to Score converter exports SCORE | Turandot - score writing program | Windows | BarFly - integrated text editor/player/viewer for abc music files | Mac OS 8.5 - 9.2, Mac OS X BarFly - integrated text editor/player/viewer for abc music files exports abc | xml2ly | XSLT xml2ly exports LilyPond | Igor engraver for music notation | Mac OS 8.5 or later (not Mac OS X), Windows, Wine, LISP | TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion | Windows TaBazar - a notation program for fretted instruments (like guitar, bass, banjo or mandolin) and percussion exports MusicXML, RMTF |