The XmlGrid is a Web 2.0 cross-platform browser based data grid for editing or viewing XML documents. The XmlGrid runs on any web browser such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc. It is very easy to use XmlGrid to create, edit or view XML documents. XML Editor is a clean, simple and powerful graphical XML editing and validation tool. XML Editor has Unicode support, allowing working with XML in any language. It features full DTD validation, but doesn't require a DTD if you only want to do well-formedness validation.
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- Xml Editor Grid For Mac Open Source
- Grid For Mac Desktop Icon Organization
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I use XML Editor from XMLmind for editing/viewing XML file in Mac.
It's not bad, but I expect an XML editor for Mac. What options do I have including the commercial/free software?
hairboat♦14 Answers
OS X Software for Editing XML
- EditX (commercial)
- oXygen (commercial)
- XML Edita (commercial)
- XMLMate (free/open sourceplugin) for TextMate (shareware)
- XMPlify (commercial)
Although it's still a beta I have found Xmplify to be a pretty useful XML aware tool. Copes with DTD, XSD, XPath and XSL transformation in the tool
Eclipse works on Mac OS and it is one of the best XML editor around, actually. It has XSD validation, autocompletion towards this schema. Also, it offers a graphical XSD designer.
And of course Emacs with psgml-mode or nxml-mode will edit XML.
Testing this and that, I settled down with Text Wrangler, with XML Tidy script. It's free and pretty useful for my purposes.
prosseekBest Free Xml Editor
prosseekIf you have the Apple Developer Tools installed, then you have XCode and this includes the Property List Editor
app (Apple preference plist files are often in XML format, hence the app name).
You can find the app here: /Developer/Applications/Utilities/Property List
IntelliJ IDEA is overall a good IDE, it's available on Mac, and it supports editing XML in ways such as syntax highlighting, collapsing a given scope, and validating XML. I haven't used it much for XML, but I've had good experiences with that IDE for other purposes so thought I would mention it here.
You can download the source code from GitHub and compile it locally. Then in the preferences install the appropriate language bundle.
If you like the application I would recommend buying the commercial version to show your support to the author.
I always believe that an open source is the best and simple solutions. You can try BlueFish, or Brackets, I strongly advise you to try it, you won't lose anything.
Xml Editor Grid For Mac Open Source
I'm looking for the same thing, and I just came across XMLmind XML Editor. I like how it can load my files pretty quickly.
@rds: I've tried using Eclipse to open my XML files, but it would hang with my files (>15MB). I've come to notice any editor built with Java hangs upon trying to open my file, or at least takes an unbearably long time to load it.
daviesgeekGrid For Mac Desktop Icon Organization
I like the look of seen in a Daniel Shiffman tutorial
As an alternative to XMLmind XML Editor there's QXmlEdit It is also free and quite feature rich. It's written in Qt and runs on Mac as well as the other platforms Qt supports.
I found a simple and free software to view, no editor: XML Spy
You can try all in one JSON viewer or all in one XML viewer.
nohillside♦Photo Grid For Mac
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