Quadraverb Editor For Mac

  • Misc Downloads Kawai K5 Links. (Emagic Logic 5.5.1.) that includes a K5 editor environment page (also contains some incomplete editors for the D110 and the Quadraverb). It should work for PC and Mac. K5load.lso - The K5 editor environment page for Logic k5loadlso.txt - Read the notes by Roger. K5-edit is a Kawai K5 Editor for the Mac.
  • It captures HD video as well as still images, and its built- in editor can stitch images together to capture scrolling action. While simple, Direct. Mac’s lack of options and poor current functioning mean users download music should look elsewhere for applications to back up their DVD collection.
  • The NanoSynth is probably the 'fattest' little Nano-anything in the world! Unlike Alesis's other Nano-modules which offer 256 preset sounds, the NanoSynth doubles that to 512 and adds another 128 of user-programmable patches - a first for the Nano-modules. It also added stereo audio inputs and a built-in serial RS232 jack for direct Mac or PC connections, and full 16-part multitimbral operation.

Is the quadraverb 2 worth the price over the standard quadraverb - around €250 vs around €120? It was a terrible sounding piece of crap when it came out. The only reason it sold was because it was $495 and the only competition with steam was the LXP1 and the LXP5 and SPX90. Unlike Alesis's other Nano-modules which offer 256 preset sounds, the NanoSynth doubles that to 512 and adds another 128 of user-programmable patches - a first for the Nano-modules. It also added stereo audio inputs and a built-in serial RS232 jack for direct Mac or PC connections, and full 16-part multitimbral operation. Hi all Those of you that have programmed a Quadraverb with EFTP will get the drift of this thread straight away. Those that wish to load the patches at some point please have a look and make notes anyway as it may be helpful to you later. MOTU is an engineering-driven music technology company passionately driven to create products that help you produce amazing music. MOTU’s award-winning hardware and software are used by top professionals every day on hit songs, mega tours, primetime shows and blockbuster films.

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Reverb | Delay | Dynamic | Modulation | Guitar effects | Filters |Bundle

Reverb (42)

SC Reverb (freeware)

This VST plugin is implemented for performance evaluation of the Switched Convolution Reverberator structure, which is proposed in the AES paper1. This artificial late-field reverberator algorithm requires little memory and low computational complexity and readily generates high echo densities, so that it is appropriate for mobile devices and the like.

SC Reverb has some controllable parameters as shown below figure. It consists of mix level, reverberation time in time/freq., pre/late-delay time, etc. Among them, 'Method', 'Noise Type' and 'Late Only' are used for demonstrating the performance of each structure in the AES paper1.

Mac OS X: [.zip] (tested in OS X 10.5 and later on Intel Mac)

Win32: screverb.dll

The file includes Win and Mac versions.

Developer: ccrma.stanford.edu

SG-UglyVerb (freeware)

SG-UglyVerb free Windows reverb plugin.

Developer: synthgeek.skincontact.com

Alesis Microverb VST (freeware)

The cult Digital Reverb now as VST plugin ...

Developer: longsound.de

Modern Flash Verb (freeware)

- Process On/Off button
- Send mode On/Off button
- Input control (-6 to +6 dB)
- Level control (Relative reverb time)
- Reverb time (off to 10 secs)
- Room control
- Room size (box to infinity)
- Pre-Delay time(off to 2 secs).

Developer: antress.blogspot.com

UD Reverb (freeware)

UD Reverb is a Vst plugin created by the The Utopian Dreams Band for your pleasure and free for your use.

Please stop by and visit us at:

Developer: utopian-dreams.com

<<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9>>

Related: Software Vocal Effects Processor - Audio Pre Amp - Best Effects Processor Software - Effects Processor Download - Effects Processor Software

  • License: Freeware

An open source framework for a guitar effectsprocessor implemented in LabVIEW, which allows the user to create a chain of effects modules, then download them to a DSP board, for use with a standard electric guitar..

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:lvgfx.sourceforge.net
  • Date: 20-05-2012
  • Size: 436 KB
  • License: Demo

Low latency realtime software stereo guitar effectsprocessor, with 21 effects, including a multi band echo with 4 to 60 bands plus multi band distortion and fuzz. 12 Stage virtual analogue phaser, guitar synthesizer, 60 band harmonic spectrum analyser with zoom and scroll, which will show you the pitch of every note played and of their harmonics. It also has a level indicator, wav recorder and tuner. Effects list: guitar synthesizer, chorus, flanger, phaser, echo, reverb, multi tap echo, multiband echo, multiband distortion, multiband fuzz, distortion, wah, vibrato, tremelo, ring modulator, noise gate, equaliser, filters, quad, pre eq, post eq.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:Ultrawave Multimedia Studios
  • Date: 24-6-2009
  • Size: 776 KB
  • License: Freeware
Quadraverb Editor For MacQuadraverb Editor For Mac

IMPORTANT: Andrig causes approximately 5ms latency if have over 5ms latency this is android operating system's latency. We are also waiting Google's updates for audio latency.

Electric Guitar Amp and EffectsProcessor Guitar Pedal - BETA
We named “Andrig” by combining the words “android” and “guitar rig”, shortage of Android Guitar Rig application.
Andrig turns your Android device into an easy-to-use Guitar Multi-EffectsProcessor and electric guitar amp kit.
Carry your whole guitar rig with you in your pocket, wherever you go.

  • Platform: Android 4.x
  • Publisher:Deplike
  • Date: 27-12-2014
  • Size: 48128 KB
  • License: Shareware

Modern personal computer can work as a power guitar effectsprocessor. This is the huge set of shareware & freeware (more than 70 MB zip file) to transform your PC in a guitar effectsprocessor with tube amp modeling and many other features. This 70 MB zip archive contents several stand alone apps, ASIO-VST hosts, DX, VST fx, freeware and shareware, amp modeling software units and FXs. New, vintage, exzotic and hard to find software distortions, reverb, flanger, chorus etc. etc. etc. You must have some music software experiences.

  • Platform:
  • Publisher:guitarfx.org
  • Date: 19-10-2009
  • License: Shareware

DubMuster Package is a set of software's that help professional audio, musician, and composers to Imitate,transform and to create many vocal and music effects like pitch shifting vocal tract ,music speed, change segments or build a copmelete chorus up to 99 different voices from only one voice file in off line and real time. Handling 44.100Sps 16Bits Stereo WAV signal format. Gender setting and converting (male, female & child) For each file Handling WAV files Playing each segment independently.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:VIR Ltd.
  • Date: 08-03-2004
  • Size: 7636 KB
  • License: Freeware

Rakarrack is a stereo digital effectsprocessor for Linux with jack support. Standard line-up of nearly 40 effects modules include Equalizers, Reverbs, Echo, Flange, Chorus, Distortions, WahWah, Vocoder, and other filters and processing modules..

  • Platform: Linux
  • Publisher:rakarrack.sourceforge.net
  • Date: 05-05-2012
  • Size: 2222 KB
  • License: Shareware

Edit your pictures and improve their look with Soft4Boost Photo Studio. Crop, rotate, zoom pictures. Adjust color parameters such as balance, brightness, contrast and saturation. Remove minor defects - red-eye effect, tiny imperfections. Reduce image noises and use the Deblur tool feature to sharpen or soften object shapes. Select between a set of pre-made effects to make your pictures look like old faded photographs or create stylish monochrome black-and-white pictures. Work with various image formats such as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:Sorentio Systems Ltd.
  • Date: 05-05-2019
  • Size: 43575 KB
  • License: Shareware

1 Cool Flash Banner Tool is the easiest way to add Flash animation to your web site. There's heaps of pre-built effects to use, or you can customize every detail of the effects to suit your needs. It's perfect for creating eye-catching banner ads, or just cool-looking animations!.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:Juice Software
  • Date: 05-05-2005
  • Size: 2909 KB
  • License: Shareware

Jesusonic Software turns your PC or Mac into a fully programmable realtime effectsprocessor. If you are going to run on a Windows PC, we recommend you just install REAPER, since it includes the most recent version of Jesusonic, and offers a LOT of routing flexibility with very little downside. General things to note before installing/running:Remember that this is just a preview release--many things may be broken, and it may not work completely as you expect. Be sure to turn your speakers down! If you run Jesusonic and it is sampling the input and outputting the output, you could get some nasty feedback if not prepared.

  • Platform: Windows
  • Publisher:Cockos Incorporated
  • Date: 06-08-2009
  • License: Shareware

GuitarFX transforms your PC into a guitar effectsprocessor with reverb, chorus, wah, flanger, delay, equalizer and crunch- distortion. BEFORE BUY YOU CAN TRY IT.DOWNLOAD http://GuitarFX.Net. Guitar Distortion Pedals, Effects, guitar software..

  • Platform:
  • Publisher:guitarfx.org
  • Date: 09-08-2009
  • License: Shareware

GuitarFX 3.04 transforms your PC into a guitar effectsprocessor with reverb, chorus, wah, flanger, delay, 8/16 bands equalizer and growling distortion. This is improved, next step 3.04 (it's better than GuitarFX 3)BEFORE BUY YOU CAN TRY IT.DOWNLOAD http://GuitarFX.Net. Guitar Distortion Pedals, Effects, guitar software..

  • Platform:
  • Publisher:guitarfx.org
  • Date: 22-9-2009
  • License: Shareware

Pdf Editor For Mac

Package includes: FLAOpens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3AS Version: ActionScript 2.0Viewable with: Flash Player 8 and aboveEffect , entirely based on script , mathematics play. Source contains 4 pre-defined effects in movie clips. Drag and drop from Library over your project. Enjoy.P.S. Change the flamecolor='0xff3300' code line in main timelime/ actions layer to flamecolor='random' , and see the effects !.

  • Platform: PHP, Scripts
  • Publisher:Adam
  • Date: 25-03-2011
  • License: Shareware

Guitar Racks is a real-time guitar effectsprocessor that's really easy to use and contains a wide range of effects that can be used with most syles of music. It can also be used with vocals and keyboards. Contains all your favorite effects like tubish overdrive, distortion, multi tap echo, reverb, as well as several multiband effects, and a guitar synthesizer. The effects can be arranged in any order. Easy to use tuner that clearly shows what notes each string should be tuned too. The recorder has effects bypass to record clean or effected sound.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Ultrawave Multimedia Studios
  • Date: 27-09-2012
  • Size: 1843 KB
  • License: Freeware

Java/Swing user interface for interacting with the Boss GT8 guitar effectsprocessor using MIDI.

  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows
  • Publisher:gt8ui.sourceforge.net
  • Date: 17-09-2012
  • Size: 2755 KB
  • License: Freeware

Editors for the BOSS GT-3, GT-5, GT-6, GT-8, GT-Pro, GT-10 and GT-100 Guitar Multi-Effects Processors, and the BOSS GT-6B and GT-10B Bass Multi-Effects Processors. This software can edit patches via midi on the BOSS GT Multi-EffectsProcessor..

  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Unix, Windows
  • Publisher:fxfloorboard.sourceforge.net
  • Date: 03-06-2012
  • Size: 8498 KB
  • License: Freeware

Midi patch editor for Alesis Quadraverb GT effectsprocessor. Runs under Windows. See the WIKI at https://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/quadedit/. Now functional for most basic functions, needs work on: Midi Modulation, Multi-tap delays, sampling.
Load patches from the Quadraverb, Edit patches on the PC, Load patches from raw SysEx/Quadraverb files, Save patches to disk, Write patches back to the Quadraverb
QuadEdit License - BSD License.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Quadedit
  • Date:
  • License: Freeware

The software is intended to provide a computer interface to the BOSS Sx700 Studio EffectsProcessor. Communications with the device are made through midi ports of your computer, and all edition, storage capabilities are (hopefully) offered.
Sx700 Editor License - GNU General Public License (GPL).

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Sx700editor
  • Date:
  • License: Freeware

A solver based on the spectral element method, used in conjunction with FEMAP, as a pre- and post- processor. It solves the elastic wave propagation problem, and the coupling with a piezoelectric materials for excitation and sensing. It is currently in 2D and has both static and transient capabilities.
Static Analysis, Transient Analysis, Piezoelectric Coupling, Primitive Mechanical Interface Capabilities, Graphical User Interface, Uses FEMAP as pre and Post Proccessor.

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:spectral-element.blogspot.com
  • Date:
  • License: Freeware

GT-10 Fx FloorBoard is a handy, easy-to-use, and open source software designed to offer you BOSS GT-3, GT-6, GT-8, and GT-Pro editors.
GT-10 Fx FloorBoard also comes included with GT-10 guitar multi-effects processors, and the BOSS GT-6B and GT-10B Bass Multi-Effects Processors.
The application can edit patches via MIDI on the BOSS GT Multi-EffectsProcessor.

Video editor for mac
  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Colin Willcocks
  • Date:
  • License: Shareware

Free Photo Editor For Mac

The WOLLO SPACER VST plugin was developed to be a virtual multi effectsprocessor.
Here are some key features of 'WOLLO SPACER':
* 2 reverbs, paralelled
* 2 flangers
* delay
* on/off buttons and volume
* direct level gain
* Preset manager

Text Editor For Mac

  • Platform: WinOther
  • Publisher:Erik Wollo
  • Date:
  • Size: 972 KB