Javascript Editor And Ide For Mac

Best Text Editors for macOS. Note: In this article, we are focusing on the best text editors for coding but if you are looking for a text editor for your writing purposes, you can check out our article on the best writing apps for Mac. Brackets is a lightweight, yet powerful, modern text editor. We blend visual tools into the editor so you get the right amount of help when you want it. With new features and extensions released every 3-4 weeks, it's like getting presents all year long. This IDE is the best choice for Mac users. Probably there are so many programmers who prefer to use a Mac. And again this IDE like the previous one (Visual Studio) is not only for C/C++ developers, there are many other popular languages supported. P5.js a JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing.

Active3 years, 8 months ago

I need to find a good PHP IDE for Mac, but would prefer a free one.

Any suggestions?


Anant Singh---Alive to Die
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closed as not constructive by KevAug 13 '11 at 23:40

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3 Answers

Here's the lowdown on Mac IDE's for PHP

NetBeansFree! Plus, the best functionality of all offerings. Includes inline database connections, code completion, syntax checking, color coding, split views etc. Downside: It's a memory hog on the Mac. Be prepared to allow half a gig of memory then you'll need to shut down and restart.

KomodoA step above a Text Editor. Does not support database connections or split views. Color coding and syntax checking are there to an extent. The project control on Komodo is very unwieldy and strange compared to the other IDEs.

AptanaThe perfect solution. Eclipsed based and uses the Aptana PHP plug in. Real time syntax checking, word wrap, drag and drop split views, database connections and a slew of other excellent features. Downside: Not a supported product any more. Aptana Studio 2.0+ uses PDT which is a watered down, under-developed (at present) php plug in.

Zend Studio - Almost identical to Aptana, except no word wrap and you can't change alot of the php configuration on the MAC apparently due to bugs.

Coda Created by Panic, Coda has nice integration with source control and their popular FTP client, transmit. They also have a collaboration feature which is cool for pair-programming.

PhpEd with Parallels or Wine. The best IDE for Windows has all the feature you could need and is worth the effort to pass it through either Parallels or Wine.

Best Online Javascript Ide

DreamweaverGood for Javascript/HTML/CSS, but only marginal for PHP. There is some color coding, but no syntax checking or code completion native to the package. Database connections are supported, and so are split views.

I'm using NetBeans, which is free, and feature rich. I can deal with the memory issues for a while, but it could be slow coming to the MAC.

Cheers!Korky KathmanSenior PartnerEntropy Dynamics, LLC

Jon WinstanleyJavascript Editor And Ide For Mac
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1,2211 gold badge8 silver badges2 bronze badges

Komodo is wonderful, and it runs on OS X; they have a free version, Komodo Edit.

UPDATE from 2015: I've switched to PHPStorm from Jetbrains, the same folks that built IntelliJ IDEA and Resharper. It's better. Not just better. It's well worth the money.

Alex Weinstein

Best Ide For Javascript

Alex Weinstein
7,8638 gold badges34 silver badges58 bronze badges

PDT eclipse from ZEND has a mac version(PDT all-in-one).

I've been using it for about 3 months and it's pretty solid and has debugging capabilities with xdebug (debug howto) and zend debugger.

Jim Ford

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Jim Ford

Javascript Editor For Mac

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Eclipse For Mac

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