Tip D) You can add new keyboards or recognized functions, using Equation tools→Tools→Arrow corner square menu. Products, Sums and Integrals. There are a variety of aggregation symbols in the editor. Use subscripts and superscripts to insert the limits. Use the of (or naryand) for the content. This video tutorial covers all about Microsoft Word equation editor with an emphasis on how to write a mathematical expression / equation using only the keyboard with the help of keyboard shortcuts.
I've been using word on Windows for quite some time now and use the equation editor a lot. I like to use Unicode when I write equations because it saves time; instead of searching the menus for the greek letters and then the right letter, I just memorize the Unicode for it and then type delta for small delta and Delta for capitalized delta, and so on. One must press space when one has typed this for it to change to a delta for instance.
This is what I try to describe: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/linear-format-equations-using-unicodemath-and-latex-in-word-2e00618d-b1fd-49d8-8cb4-8d17f25754f8?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
However I've just started using Mac and I wonder how to activate this. The division '/' works in the sense that when you type 'a/b' and then space you get:
How To Use Equation Editor In Mac Word 14.6.4
But none of the backslash works.
Online Equation Editor
I have found the Math AutoCorrect settings under the AutoCorrect Options in the settings in Word. I've also turned on the Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions. Also, the list below where you find this settings is completely blank. In this list one should find the pre-installed Math AutoCorrect settings, for instace: delta gives a delta. Sure I can sit and manually put those in to match the ones I'm used to on Windows, but that will take forever.
Any way to solve this problem or import these settings?
Please help.
How To Use Equation Editor
I just excitedly downloaded OneNote onto my MacBook Pro from the App store. Thought this could be an excellent new tool to take digital notes for my classes. Went to try to write an equation (from the 'Insert' menu), and it just opened what looks like a regular text box. The only difference is whatever I type in there is italicized, but otherwise it's a regular text box. The usual Word or PowerPoint equation editor keyboard shortcuts don't do anything, there's no equation editor menu / box that pops up anywhere. In short, I can't actually write an equation. Am I missing something, or is this feature just simply not supported for Mac yet? It would seem strange, since Word and PowerPoint for Mac have had working equation editors for years...
How To Use Equation Editor For Mac
Edit I found this page, which seems to be quite helpful. It looks like you can still do equations, but you have to do text-entry formatted to their sort of pseudo-latex style. I think I can work with this. I'd still like a full blown equation editor menu/box if possible, if it's hidden somewhere that I'm not seeing?